Annual Site Visit, Cairo, October 15th-17th
Members of the R4D project on “Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict”, representatives of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) met for the project’s site visit at the American University in Cairo (AUC) from October 15th to 17th.
Fourth Global Conference on Public Policy and Administration in the Middle East, American University in Cairo, Egypt
The Department of Public Policy of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy is hosting this year's Global Conference on Public Policy and Administration in the Middle East under the theme "Strengthening governance to deliver social justice, economic opportunity, and accountability". This conference will convene at the American University in Cairo on December 5-7, 2015.
Great attendance at 3-day conference on ‘Mobilization and Political Participation by Indigenous Groups in Latin America: Between the Local and the National’ in Guatemala, organized by the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 21 – 23 September 2015
Organised by the School of History of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, the conference brought together a large number of academics and representatives of civil society for a series of panel discussions centred on recent developments in the participation and mobilization of indigenous groups in Latin America. The conference took place in the Hotel Pan-American, Guatemala City, on 21-23 September 2015.
Roundtable discussion on ‘Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict: Lessons from around the World’ at the CDD Ghana, 23rd July 2015
The CDD Ghana is hosting a roundtable discussion on the theme ‘Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict: Lessons from around the World’ on 23rd July 2015 in the CDD-Ghana Conference Room, North Airport Residential Area, at 2pm.
Release of the EPR Family 2014
The International Conflict Research group at ETH Zürich announces the release of the most current update of the Family of Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) data sets, supported by the R4D project.
Invitation to a public lecture on "Power, Indigenous People, and Social Thought: A Critical Approach" by Dr. Carlos Guzmán Böckler at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 25 February, 2015.
At the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the first edition of the book Guatemala: Una Interpretación Histórico-Social [Guatemala: A Social and Historical Interpretation], Dr. Carlos Guzmán Böckler will be holding a public lecture under the title "Power, Indigenous People and Social Thought: A Critical Approach" at the School of History of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala on February 25, 2015.