A new partner for the R4D project: The Laboratoire de Sociologie Economique et d’Anthropologie des Appartenances Symboliques (LAASSE) at the University Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan.

With the launch of the second phase of the R4D project on “Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict in Fragile States,” a new partner has joined the project:  the LAASSE institute, which is affiliated with the University Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan and directed by Professor Roch Yao Gnabeli.

During this second phase, in addition to the update and extension of the previously collected data in the EPR and EPR-Organization datasets, the project will aim at deepening research activities undertaken within the three main integrative themes: Ethnic mobilization, Perceived and objective grievances and Natural resources and grievances. Related to the scientific and political change scenarios, the objective is to extend the scientific and knowledge dissemination activities to the regional level based on the contacts established during the first phase of the project.

As part of this, the arrival of the external page LAASSE (in French) offers new perspectives with Côte d’Ivoire emerging from a prolonged period of political instability. Thus, the project will benefit from the research expertise of scientists affiliated with the Institute, in particular regarding the processes linking political and socio-economic inequalities, political mobilization, and conflict. Moreover, the adjunction of the LASSE enables examination of the effects on political stabilization of the policies implemented in view of fostering political inclusion during the period following the end of hostilities.

To mark the launch of the second phase of the R4D project, the LAASSE organized the fourth edition of its international conference in March under the topic of “Local Conflicts in Côte d’Ivoire: Proceedings from social sciences research and opportunities for durable solutions”. Of a duration of two days, the conference was organized with the support of the Fond d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique of the Swiss Center for Research in Côte d’Ivoire and brought together about fifty speakers from Côte d’Ivoire and neighboring countries, as well as researchers and development experts from France, Japan and Switzerland. The results of the research presented during the conference will be made available to the public in due course.

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