Short course on “Comparative Methods: Between case studies and statistical analysis” held at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala
Within the framework of the R4D project on “Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict”, the Institute of Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological Studies at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala held a short course on comparative methods on April 12th -14th. The course was taught by Dr. Manuel Vogt (Princeton University and ETH Zürich) and brought together a large audience of students, researchers and faculty.
Scientific Engagement at the University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana.
The CDD-Ghana held a scientific engagement for senior undergraduate and graduate students, academics and researchers at the Wa campus of the University of Development Studies (UDS) in Wa in the Upper West region on Monday, March 21st 2016. The event, with a large audience of students and guests, was hosted by the department of Political, Social and Historical Studies of the UDS.