Previous Research
Selected publications by project partners:
Ali, Hamid E. (ed.). (2015). Darfur's political economy: a quest for development. New York: Routledge.
Ali, Hamid E. (2013). “Estimate of the economic cost of armed conflict: a case study from Darfur.” Defence and Peace Economics, 24(6):503-519.
Ali, Hamid E. and Ubah A. Adan. (2013). “Conflict types and child and infant mortality rates: evidence from panel data.” Political and Military Sociology: An Annual Review, 41:137–161.
Ali, Hamid E. (2011). “Military expenditures and human development: guns and butter arguments revisited: a case study from Egypt.” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 17(1):1-19.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, Andreas Schädel and Julian Wucherpfennig. (2015). “Territorial autonomy in the shadow of conflict: too little, too late?” American Political Science Review, 109:354-370.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian S. Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug. (2013). Inequality, grievances and civil war. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian S. Gleditsch and Simon Hug. (2013). “Elections and ethnic civil war.” Comparative Political Studies, 56(3):387-417.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Nils B. Weidmann and Kristian S. Gleditsch. (2011). “Horizontal inequalities and ethno-nationalist civil war: a global comparison.” American Political Science Review, 105:478-495.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Andreas Wimmer and Brian Min. (2010). “Why do ethnic groups rebel? New data and analysis.” World Politics, 62:87-119.
Christin, Thomas and Simon Hug. (2012). “Federalism, the geographic location of groups, and conflict”. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 29(1):92-121.
Frankental, Sally and Owen B. Sichone. (2005). South Africa's Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Gledtisch, Kristian S., Simon Hug, Julian Wucherpfennig and Karina Reigstad. (2011). “Polyginy or misogyny? Reconsidering the “First Law of Intergroup Conflict.” Journal of Politics, 73(1):265-270.
Hug, Simon. (2013). “Use and misuse of MAR.” Annual Review of Political Science, 16:191-208.
Lin, Eric S. and Hamid E. Ali. (2009). “Military spending and inequality: panel Granger causality test.” Journal of Peace Research, 46(5):671-685.
Ngoma, Naison and Len le Roux. (2006). “A regional security perspective from and for Southern Africa (or the SADC Region).” In Günter Brauch, Hans, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Pal Dunay, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Ursula Oswald Spring, P. H. Liotta and Patricia Kameri-Mbote (Eds.). Globalisation and environmental challenges: reconceptualising security in the 21st century. Berlin – Heidelberg: Springer.
Ngoma, Naison. (2005). Prospects for a security community in Southern Africa: an analysis of regional security in the Southern African development community. Pretoria: UNESCO (Harare Cluster) & Institute for Security Studies.
Ngoma, Naison. (2004). “Coups and coup attempts in Africa.” Africa Security Review, 13(3):85-94.
Sichone, Owen B. (ed.). (1998). The State and Constitutionalism in Southern Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: SAPES Books.
Sichone, Owen B. (2003). “Together and apart: African refugees and immigrants in Cape Town.” In Chidester, David, Phillip Dexter and Wilmot James (Eds.). What Holds Us Together: Social Cohesion in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Sichone, Owen B. (2007). “Globalisation and The Irresponsible State: Demystifying the Fragile State Agenda.” OSSREA Bulletin, 4(2): 47-61.
Vogt, Manuel. (Forthcoming). "The Disarticulated Movement: Barriers to Maya Mobilization in Post-Conflict Guatemala." Latin American Politics and Society.
Vogt, Manuel. (Forthcoming). "Escaping the resource curse: how power-sharing prevents ethnic conflict over resource wealth in Africa." In The political economy of modern Africa: wealth, exploitation and development. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Publishers.
Wucherpfennig, Julian, Nils W. Metternich, Lars-Erik Cederman and Kristian S. Gleditsch. (2012). “Ethnicity, the state and the duration of civil war.” World Politics 64(1):79-115.