Documentary Film

Inequality and Conflict

Across the globe, social groups are discriminated, women overlooked and troubled pasts unaddressed. We are trapped in simplifications and therefore underestimate the eruptive potential of inequalities. In our research work, we reveal how inequalities fuel violence. This is the story of the people fighting for inclusion.

The documentary film “Inequality and Conflict - Beyond Us and Them” was released in November 2019.  A YouTube -version with subtitles in four languages will be published soon.

r4d documentary

A synthesis product of the three projects in the R4D social conflict module, “Ethnic power relations and conflict in fragile states” (EPR), external page “Fostering pluralistic memories” (PMP), and external page “Gender dimensions of social conflicts” (GDS), the participatory documentary filmmaking process includes researchers, local protagonists and science filmmakers from nine countries across the globe. Together, they focus on the diverse reframing of past and present social conflicts and provide insights for ending violence and for sustaining peace, justice and inclusion. The EPR team is represented by researchers and local protagonists from Guatemala and Switzerland.

Check out the trailer “Difference as a resource for peace: Voices of SDG16+ from Guatemala and Switzerland”!

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Difference as a resource for peace: Voices of SDG16+ from Guatemala and Switzerland
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