Prof. Lars-Erik Cederman

Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich
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Lars-Erik Cederman (PhD University of Michigan) is Professor of International Conflict Research, ETH Zürich. His research interests include nationalism, ethnic conflict, democratization and state formation. He is the author of Emergent Actors in World Politics: How States Develop and Dissolve (Princeton University Press, 1997), and co-author of Inequality, Grievances and Civil War (Cambridge University Press, 2013) with Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug. His publications also include recent articles in the American Political Science Review, International Organization, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, and World Politics, among others.
Prof. Simon Hug

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Simon Hug (PhD University of Michigan) is Professor of Political Science at the University of Geneva. His research interests are at the intersection of comparative politics and international relations, focusing on decision-making processes, institutions, and conflict resolution. His recent publications have appeared in the Annual Review of Political Science, the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Science, International Organization, the Journal of Peace Research, the Journal of Theoretical Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Party Politics, Political Analysis, and the Review of International Organizations, as well as in several edited volumes and books.
Dr. Seraina Rüegger

Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich
Seraina Rüegger is a postdoctoral researcher in the International Conflict Research group at ETH Zurich. She earned her PhD from ETH Zurich and holds a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of Zurich. In her PhD project she analyzed the effects of refugees in asylum countries, particularly focusing on the direction of refugee movements and the relationship between refugees and the host population or insurgent groups. Seraina was a pre-doctoral visiting researcher at the University of Prishtina in Kosovo. Her research focuses on civil conflict, transnational ethnic groups, forced migration, irredentism and post-socialist countries. Seraina has managed several quantitative data collections, including the Ethnicity of Refugees (ER), the Transborder Ethnic Kin (TEK) and the Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) datasets.
Dr. Manuel Vogt

external page Department of Political Science, University College London Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich
Manuel Vogt holds a Ph.D. in political science from ETH Zurich. His research interests include ethnic conflict, (post-conflict) democratization, and Latin American and African politics. During his Ph.D., he has conducted field research in Guatemala, Ecuador, Côte d'Ivoire, and Gabon, and has also been a visiting researcher at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito, Ecuador. His academic publications have centered on issues of ethnic exclusion, ethnic mobilization, and the risk of civil violence. Moreover, he has published several newspaper articles in German and Spanish - an endeavor that earned him the NCCR Knowledge Transfer Award twice in 2011 and 2013.
Mohammad M. Aghdam

external page Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva
Mohammad Mohammadzadeh Aghdam is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Geneva. Mohammad studied informatics, before changing his orientation to study Political Science. After earning a Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Bern, he went on to work as a research assistant at the University of Geneva. In his dissertation, Mohammad carries out research on the role of armed group ideology in civil war.
Fabien Cottier

external page Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva
Fabien Cottier is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Geneva. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Geneva (2018) and a Master in Comparative and International Studies from the ETH Zürich (2012). In his research, Fabien investigates the linkages between environmental change, migration and violence. In addition, he has also carried out research on conflict- and disaster-induced displacement, as well as on the informational role of elections for authoritarian leaders. Fabien spent six months in the Horn of Africa working with the UNHCR Protection Unit in Djibouti in 2010.